Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Snowy Surprise

Around noon the next day, Bianca awoke to the sound of Louie's unrelenting yelps. She struggled to open her eyes as the extremity of her pounding headache became more severe with each high-pitched cry. "LOUIE! SHUT THE F*** UP!", she cried into the darkness of her cave-like room. The dog reluctantly obeyed her command as she slowly lifted herself into a sitting position. As she massaged her aching temples, she peeked open a bloodshot eye just in time to see the enormous rat Louie had been tormenting, scurry through an equally enormous crack running up the side of the wall. "Just great.", Bianca mumbled as she groped for the Aspirin she kept on her bedside table.
For a few moments, Louie sat at the gaping hole awaiting the return of his rodent enemy, but after a few persuasive calls from Bianca, he finally hopped upon the bed to curl himself up in her heavily cushioned lap. She stroked his small head as she attempted to piece together the events of the pervious night. She remembered the sweaty men from the bachelor party, the inappropriate comments and grabs, and very vaguely, the bizarre weather that concluded the night. As she searched her aching head for more details, she began to realize how cold it was in her little room.
Since there were no windows in the apartment that would allow her to check the weather, she decided to layer up and make her weekly trek to the salon around the block. Wether living as a dignified Playmate or a wannabe stripper, Bianca always made time for the beauty salon. So after slipping into her favorite pair of Juicy sweats, she filled Louie's empty bowl and made her way out the grimy door.
She quickly journeyed to the rickety stairwell, closing her ears to the distressed cries of the old man that lived next door. As she brushed by Ms. Pigg in the lobby, she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of the wintery scene outside. There was a brownish slush that covered the ground surrounding Watershed Heights and beyond. Icicles hugged tightly to the drooping awning that hung above the glass door. A dangerous layer of ice was spread thickly across the main road. Snowflakes fell slowly from the sky as they drifted to the ground in a melancholy way. "Even the snowflakes here are f***ing miserable", she thought to herself. After moments hesitation, Bianca finally stepped into the bitter cold with the promise of a fresh set of acrylics in mind.
As she marched down the street against the gusts of wind, she observed a strange man with a large staff that seemed to think that he had conjured the wintry storm himself. Partially out of want to avoid the abnormal scene but more so in response to her growling stomach, Bianca sidestepped into the nearest restaurant for a quick bite to eat before her day of relaxation and beauty.
As she struggled to pull open the rusty door she was, for the second time that morning, stopped dead in her tracks. Sitting at a small table in the corner of the musty restaurant, sat a familiar face that brought a feeling of deep despair to Bianca's Italian heart. As their gazes locked she let out a slow breath of disappointment. "So... I guess you've found me".

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meteor Miracle

Around 11:30 that night Bianca stumbled into into the dressing room, her only haven from the commotion of the club. By this point she had removed her five inch heels and was starting to feel the effects of so many shots. Tonight had proven to be particularly trying, as a bachelor party had marched in around 9:30. Bianca had found herself sitting in laps, forcing out fake laughter, as she encouraged the young males to continue drinking. She tried to think back and recall how many drinks she had actually had. She knew it was around ten... maybe fifteen, it was almost impossible to recall.
As Bianca finally made her way over to her dressing table she began to examine herelf in the mirror. She seemed paler than usual. Of course she hadn't hit the beach or the tanning bed in almost a month now. She stared at her perfectly glossed lips and her luscious brown hair. The same girl with a little less sparkle behind her dark Italian eyes.
She was suddenly startled by the sound of clicking heels behind her. Roxy, her seventeen year old coworker, was coming in for a costume change after her first shift of the night. Bianca admired how quickly her teenage body had recovered from the birth of her baby girl. Roxy and Bianca had become close friends in their few weeks working together at the club so she made sure to give her a drunken wave before gathering her things and heading out the door.
As Bianca stepped outside, she realized it seemed to have been raining for some time now. Pouring actually. It was hard to predict the weather outdoors through the thick walls of the windowless club. Bianca cringed at the thought of making her drunken parade home in such horrid weather. As she stood on the back steps beneath the beaten awning, she pulled out her bejeweled cell phone to see that it was swiftly approaching midnight. She decided to face the rain as she thought of poor Louie, hungrily awaiting for her at home.
Just as Bianca stepped into the downpour, the dark clouds of rain suddenly began to dissipate. The torrents of precipitation turned quickly into a quiet drizzle, taking her completely off guard. At first she thought it was a trick caused by the massive amounts of booze, but as she gazed into the pale night sky she could find no traces of the dark clouds that had just covered the sky. Bianca tried to focus her vision in time to see the hundreds of tiny meteors that were suddenly flying through the atmosphere.
Despite her drunken state, Bianca was able to close her eyes and wish for the very thing she had been wishing for every night since she left The Mansion. With the falling stars in mind and eyes closed tightly she called out into the empty night "I wish I could find my way home". The only sound of response was the soft coos of the pigeon flock that had made its way into the city over the past week. Bianca opened her groggy eyes and she dragged her way home to the one room apartment where Louie was waiting, yipping eagerly at his empty food bowl.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Second Chances

As Bianca made her way down the rickety steps of the Watershed Heights apartment buildings, she couldn't help but smile at the sounds of Ms. Pigg's sousaphone. Despite the mold, the leaky ceilings, and the mice infestation, she couldn't deny the eccentric nature of her neighbors. Bianca loved friendly people more than anything. Ms. Pigg seemed friendly enough. Back at the mansion everyone was so warm and inviting, that is, to everyone except fat bunnies apparently. Bianca shoved open the greasy door that led to the lobby. As she made her way to the front of the building she smiled at Ms. Pigg making sure to return her enthusiastic wave.
As Bianca stepped outside she could immediately smell the tempting scents of Mr. Foo's Vietnamese restaurant. On this afternoon her grumbling stomach seemed to scream louder than her dieting conscience. After but a moments hesitation she skipped across the street making sure to avoid the giant manhole that was almost always left uncovered. Bianca ordered the family sized portion of the Com Bat Buu Suon as she cursed that Italian culinary genius who made her this way. Bianca quickly gobbled down her meal as she headed towards Second Chances.
When Bianca first moved to this new neighborhood she was quite pleased to discover the strip club so close to her apartment. Back at the mansion there were stripper poles located throughout the house and in the gym. The girls had gone to many amateur stripping classes together and found it to be a favorite form of exercise. With this in mind, a few nights after Bianca arrived in the city she submitted an application. Soon after the owner let Bianca know that at Second Chances there are physical requirements for their strippers and that from the looks of it she would not quite make the cut. He informed her that despite this he did like her and that if she made a commitment to change her body shape she could one day be promoted. Until then the only position that she was eligible for was the "shots girl". Wearing a slightly less revealing outfit, the shots girl's job was to walk around the club and encourage drinking among the customers. The only catch was that if the customer asked Bianca to drink with them it was a part of her job description to do so. Bianca was disappointed to receive yet another blow to her body image but soon thought better of the new opportunity. Bianca was used to heavy drinking after the many late night parties she experienced being a Playmate. Not to mention she naturally fulfilled the reputation that comes with being a typical party girl Guidette.
By 8:00 Bianca finally arrived at the club ready for the long night ahead of her. She slipped into her uniform making sure to tie her corset extra tight. With a last glance in the full length mirror Bianca, or "BB" as her name tag read, stepped out into the hazy main room. She combed her two-inch perfectly manicured nails though her dark hair as she surveyed her dancing coworkers and the slobbering men eagerly admiring them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

From Playmate to Poverty

Bianca Bonelli woke up around 3:00 pm on Friday. Louie, her Pomeranian pooch, was yipping away at the foot of her bed begging for breakfast. Bianca smiled as she rubbed the sleep away from her eyes ready for the familiar smells of the mansion to consume her. As her vision became clear, she surveyed the atrocious one room apartment that surrounded her. Bianca's harsh reality slowly began sink in just the same as it had every morning for the past two months.
Bianca, or "BB" as her friends back at the shore called her, was slowly being forced to grow accustomed to her new life. The former "Ms. July", Bianca had lived the past four years of her life in a whir of luxury, parties, and glamour at the Playboy Mansion. Her dark skin and Italian flare had always made for a stunning photograph. Bianca's heritage and love for a great time had classified her for many years as what is most popularly known as a "Guidette". The nails, the tan, and the attitude, all gave Bianca the entire package and the perfect edge to maintain an honored spot in the Playboy family. She lived the perfect life, and at age 24 things couldn't have been better.
Our story here takes a turn around the time for the 2010 calendar photo shoot. As we all know, with being Italian comes the love for a good Italian meal. It so happens that at the mansion there also lived a young Italian chef that loved to cook his best dishes for Bianca. Every night he would create for her meal after meal of the best pastas and breads for miles around. Bianca loved to gorge herself on these lavish dishes that reminded her of her home back at the Jersey Shore. As time for the shoot drew nearer, Bianca began to experience some changes in her once seemingly perfect physique.
One morning as Bianca attempted to slip into her favorite mini dress, the sounds of ripping seams filled her ears. She looked down to discover that the elastic top would barely draw up over her darkly tanned thighs. Bianca anxiously slipped into a pair of Ed Hardy sweatpants as she left her room to find Hugh, the only man who could make her feel better at such a concerning time. Little to Bianca's knowledge, the conversation the two shared that morning would mark the very moment that began the journey to her dark new future.
As it turns out Hugh, along with the other Playmate's in the mansion, had noticed Bianca's weight gain long ago. Hugh calmly explained to her that there simply were no fat Playmates and that she would have to pack her things and leave the mansion by night fall. The next two months would lead Bianca (and Louie of course) to a whole new life far from anything she had ever known. Too humiliated to return home, with no college degree, no money, and no hope, Bianca had found herself living in this tiny apartment far away from her former home in LA and even farther from her friends and family in back in Jersey. As all of these sad truths came tumbling back to her, Bianca slowly lifted herself off her mattress folding it back into the wall that it pulls out of.
Bianca filled Louie's bowl and began to dress herself for the afternoon shift at "Second Chances".