Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meteor Miracle

Around 11:30 that night Bianca stumbled into into the dressing room, her only haven from the commotion of the club. By this point she had removed her five inch heels and was starting to feel the effects of so many shots. Tonight had proven to be particularly trying, as a bachelor party had marched in around 9:30. Bianca had found herself sitting in laps, forcing out fake laughter, as she encouraged the young males to continue drinking. She tried to think back and recall how many drinks she had actually had. She knew it was around ten... maybe fifteen, it was almost impossible to recall.
As Bianca finally made her way over to her dressing table she began to examine herelf in the mirror. She seemed paler than usual. Of course she hadn't hit the beach or the tanning bed in almost a month now. She stared at her perfectly glossed lips and her luscious brown hair. The same girl with a little less sparkle behind her dark Italian eyes.
She was suddenly startled by the sound of clicking heels behind her. Roxy, her seventeen year old coworker, was coming in for a costume change after her first shift of the night. Bianca admired how quickly her teenage body had recovered from the birth of her baby girl. Roxy and Bianca had become close friends in their few weeks working together at the club so she made sure to give her a drunken wave before gathering her things and heading out the door.
As Bianca stepped outside, she realized it seemed to have been raining for some time now. Pouring actually. It was hard to predict the weather outdoors through the thick walls of the windowless club. Bianca cringed at the thought of making her drunken parade home in such horrid weather. As she stood on the back steps beneath the beaten awning, she pulled out her bejeweled cell phone to see that it was swiftly approaching midnight. She decided to face the rain as she thought of poor Louie, hungrily awaiting for her at home.
Just as Bianca stepped into the downpour, the dark clouds of rain suddenly began to dissipate. The torrents of precipitation turned quickly into a quiet drizzle, taking her completely off guard. At first she thought it was a trick caused by the massive amounts of booze, but as she gazed into the pale night sky she could find no traces of the dark clouds that had just covered the sky. Bianca tried to focus her vision in time to see the hundreds of tiny meteors that were suddenly flying through the atmosphere.
Despite her drunken state, Bianca was able to close her eyes and wish for the very thing she had been wishing for every night since she left The Mansion. With the falling stars in mind and eyes closed tightly she called out into the empty night "I wish I could find my way home". The only sound of response was the soft coos of the pigeon flock that had made its way into the city over the past week. Bianca opened her groggy eyes and she dragged her way home to the one room apartment where Louie was waiting, yipping eagerly at his empty food bowl.