Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Second Chances

As Bianca made her way down the rickety steps of the Watershed Heights apartment buildings, she couldn't help but smile at the sounds of Ms. Pigg's sousaphone. Despite the mold, the leaky ceilings, and the mice infestation, she couldn't deny the eccentric nature of her neighbors. Bianca loved friendly people more than anything. Ms. Pigg seemed friendly enough. Back at the mansion everyone was so warm and inviting, that is, to everyone except fat bunnies apparently. Bianca shoved open the greasy door that led to the lobby. As she made her way to the front of the building she smiled at Ms. Pigg making sure to return her enthusiastic wave.
As Bianca stepped outside she could immediately smell the tempting scents of Mr. Foo's Vietnamese restaurant. On this afternoon her grumbling stomach seemed to scream louder than her dieting conscience. After but a moments hesitation she skipped across the street making sure to avoid the giant manhole that was almost always left uncovered. Bianca ordered the family sized portion of the Com Bat Buu Suon as she cursed that Italian culinary genius who made her this way. Bianca quickly gobbled down her meal as she headed towards Second Chances.
When Bianca first moved to this new neighborhood she was quite pleased to discover the strip club so close to her apartment. Back at the mansion there were stripper poles located throughout the house and in the gym. The girls had gone to many amateur stripping classes together and found it to be a favorite form of exercise. With this in mind, a few nights after Bianca arrived in the city she submitted an application. Soon after the owner let Bianca know that at Second Chances there are physical requirements for their strippers and that from the looks of it she would not quite make the cut. He informed her that despite this he did like her and that if she made a commitment to change her body shape she could one day be promoted. Until then the only position that she was eligible for was the "shots girl". Wearing a slightly less revealing outfit, the shots girl's job was to walk around the club and encourage drinking among the customers. The only catch was that if the customer asked Bianca to drink with them it was a part of her job description to do so. Bianca was disappointed to receive yet another blow to her body image but soon thought better of the new opportunity. Bianca was used to heavy drinking after the many late night parties she experienced being a Playmate. Not to mention she naturally fulfilled the reputation that comes with being a typical party girl Guidette.
By 8:00 Bianca finally arrived at the club ready for the long night ahead of her. She slipped into her uniform making sure to tie her corset extra tight. With a last glance in the full length mirror Bianca, or "BB" as her name tag read, stepped out into the hazy main room. She combed her two-inch perfectly manicured nails though her dark hair as she surveyed her dancing coworkers and the slobbering men eagerly admiring them.

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